Weekly Goal Reflection


photo credit: Night is now falling ,So ends this day via photopin (license)

Money:  I made it to payday and didn’t die.  It was a bit frustrating to not go out and buy things and have to remind myself to be prepared or suffer the consequences.  I did forget to defrost meat for dinner one evening and ran out of butter so rice with tomato sauce was my dinner.  I also do not particularly care for eggs outside the quiche type things I make for breakfast.  Lessons learned.  Goal this week is to not spend except for those things planned.  Only outward expenditure this week is groceries.  Not breakfast on the way in, not lunch because I didn’t plan.  Not vape stuff.  

Writing: I haven’t been writing daily.  This is a planning thing and I am seeing it.  What topic to write about? What voice do I want this space to have? I want this to space to be a showcase of my writing and also of my growth as adult out in the world.  I have some ideas percolating in my brain and now it is just a matter of planning and getting them out.  Stories about how I got here, and what I am doing, developing myself as a coach and other topics I want to explore.  I am working on developing a running content idea folder.  Right now to push my reading goals, I am going to be reading to review books. Yay Me! My goal for this week is to publish the review and “icebreaker” by next reflection.

Reading: I have yet to pick up a book to read for this month! Right now, I have The Desire Map ready to be read on my journey back from being out of state.  My goal is have that complete and a review of it up by next Sunday.

Spring Cleaning: I am almost done with my spring cleaning.  It feels so nice to declutter and get rid of things that I am no longer using and no longer need.  I want to get my space cleared out by the Full Moon so I can do a negativity clearing ritual. Goal is to purge out remaining bin and store the rest.

Where I haven’t made progress:

Meditation and 6am wake ups have fallen off my radar a bit.  They are important and things I do want to be doing. With being sick, I slacked on wake ups.  Meditation – it is something that I am not in the habit of doing and need to make it a habit.  So at least once this week I will meditate for 5 mins.

This exercise in doing a weekly review raised my awareness to the fact that if I am not checking in, I am not holding myself accountable and stuff falls thru the cracks.  I am gonna post my monthly goals to my mirror at home also so I see them in the morning as a reminder.  I already have them as a sticky note on my desktop and the more reinforcement the merrier!


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